Goat and Sheep milking parlours
Fullwood is the market leader in goat and sheep milking across Europe.

There is an increasing worldwide demand for goat milk and products and in response to this Fullwood has developed a complete range of specialist milking systems suitable for small ruminants, from rapid exit and swing over parlours to large rotaries, with or without feeding.
Wide range of productivity options for herds or flocks large or small from 100 up to 1200 animals per hour
Crystal herd or flock management system for automatic identification, feeding, milk yield recording, separation and identifying animals without ID tags
Dedicated components designed specifically for goats or sheep – claws, shell and liners, tailored pulsation equipment and a range of automated cluster removal options
Low level, high level or swing over rapid exit parlours
High performance rotary milking platforms designed to optimise ergonomic efficiency, e.g. cluster presentation
Rotary feeding platforms
Integrated weighing or segregation systems